

QR Promotion. Arctic Ice



GREENPEACE QR from rafa quilez on Vimeo.

“The QR code that is melting”.
The first promotion that keeps pace with climate change.
Slip into people’s everyday lives to surprise them during their leisure time offering them something they can’t reject, something that is free.
With the goal of demonstrating how fast we can be when it comes to gaining something for our personal enjoyment and how hard we find it to find some time for bigger causes.

We placed this spectacular QR code made of ice at the door to some cinemas. Next to it, there was a message that encouraged people to try and win two free cinema tickets – if they managed to scan the ice QR with their smartphones before it melted.

Winner of “Sol de oro”(Gold award),
(Save the Artic, Greenpeace) Best (online) audio-visual Media use category at the Festival Sol Iberoamericano 2014 Spain,Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Uruguay, Chile, etc.



